Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All the time so many thoughts run in the mind, Happy or sad, are of all the kind.

Thoughts are just like riding on the horse, sometimes give troubles but sometimes force.

Can not put all of them in words, they always fly high like birds.

Difficult to choose just single of its kind,How do I share what's going on my mind!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Shravan

The holy month is starting today. 4 some it's the month 4 fasting 2 loose weight & some do it 4 religious purpose. 4 some it's the month of festivals & children r happy 2 have more holidays but we must take care of our health too in this monsoon.May God almighty give all of us good health and bless us with lots of love, care, happiness and peace.May Lord Shiva bless us all...... Om Namah Shivay.... Jay Shankar...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Live it & Love it...

The height of any relations do not require any names but total acceptance and understanding, faith on eachother, selfless and unconditional love and care for everything......live it and love it.....!!!
Actaully we give names for our convinience. At certain level we really don't rquire the names. If we accpet each other totally we will start understanding each other due to which the trust will automatically reach to the height. And the height of trust is FAITH. This will only come if we don't ask anything in return and just love eachother which is completely unconditional and selfless. This will reflect in our care for eachother.
So, let's just stop giving names but truly live every relations. Live it...& Love it...