Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today suddenly a thought came to my mind; what if we are given an opportunity to design our own separate world???

Then definitely we would like to design it with most wonderful colors of happiness only. We would choose only those people with whom we get along very well. There shouldn't be bed of thorns but rose petals everywhere. Everything which we like should be part of it.
And... no place for sorrows, problems, setbacks or failures. Why anyone would want all these in their own wonderful world...???

Yes...absolutely. No one would want all these in their own world. But we forget that if there wouldn't be bed of thorns the rose would have no subtlety. If there wouldn't be setbacks we would never learn to stand up and move ahead. If there wouldn't be failure we would never carve our road to success. If there wouldn't be problems we would not challenge ourselves to solve them. If there wouldn't be sorrows we would not realize the value of smiles.

We have parents, relatives, friends and most wonderful people around us who support us, take care of us and love us. But we forget that there are people who are just alone in the world and they have no one to share their pains and tears. We are very lucky to get good upbringing, good education, good food, clothes of our choice, nice house where we live and also all the facilities of life but do we ever think that in some corner of this world there are people who can not even dream about all these?

Do we ever realize the real value of what we have...???

We never look at what we have but we always keep on complaining of what we don't have...! In doing so we can not enjoy all our priceless possessions and so we are far behind from being happy and content. How disgusting it is that our happiness depends on all the materialistic things.

Happiness is inner bliss which never depends on these materialistic things but it depends completely what we feel at heart...

Let's not search our happiness in the materialistic things instead understand and value of what we have. Let's always be in the state of happiness and inner bliss and then the whole world will be ours and there won't be need to design our own separate world....!!!

1 comment:

  1. good start Ratna and thanks for giving me a hug by greeting on my b day
