Thursday, April 14, 2011

Being Human is simply just not enough....????

Sometimes I think that why we give tags to people? The tags show their post or their profession or their education. It always amazes me when I see the tags in the bracket of some wedding cards. The question immediately comes to my mind that are they getting married to each other's tags or the person....??? Why some people always like to introduce themselves with these tags? Do they need these tags for their identity?
It seems that people are competing with each other and there is a big race on who will get maximum tags....!!!!
I have seen many people who like to give tags to others. Why don't they realize that the person doesn't actually need it? They are beyond those tags....These tags will not make any difference to their lives. They will continue the work they are doing and enjoying. They are not craving for these tags. They are not in this rat race. They are above all...It really doesn't matter to them....Then why some people forced them to add these tags with their names????
To me, these tags are nothing but the labels. I am this....I am that.... And people start living with these labels. These labels are so much adhere to their personality that eventually they start living within these brackets. They restrict themselves to certain things. They create an imaginary boundary. They cover themselves within the shells of their tags and LABELS. They don't realize that their personality now revolves only around these labels and they are loosing their real identity.
In long term effect, these labels actually don't allow people to do certain things. And it is because of their "LEVEL". I am this...I am that... is their "LABEL" and because of these labels what they think of themselves is their "LEVEL". We should understand this very clearly. Label and level actually stops our progress. They are the biggest hurdle in the journey of our growth and development. These Labels and Levels are nothing but EGO. This spoils our relations and they play vital role in shaping our personality. 24*7 we live with this. Even while sleep we don't want to let it go. All our actions are the result of this most dangerous three letter word- EGO....
I don't understand with this where are we heading to???
Do we actually need these tags? Don't we restrict people by giving or adding these tags? If we always need tags then where is our true identity? Don't we start living into the brackets? Don't we restrict ourselves to certain things? Then why do we need this.....??????
Being Human is simply just not enough......?????
I think in this competition and race of adding tags to our life, we always become somebody but we forget that we are HUMAN first. Let's just remember that we are HUMAN and we don't need any tags in our identity.
Let's just come out of those brackets...Let's just not restrict ourselves...Let's realize that life has much more to offer us if we come out of LABELS & LEVELS....Life brings happiness in small small things....Life has its own way to bring joy in little and tiny moments... Let's break those so called shells and boundaries of LABELS & LEVELS and enjoy the life to the fullest.........


  1. Very well said Mam.
    Certainly would try to keep this in mind to avoid giving and affixing tags on anyone or my own self.

  2. Very well said Ratna, very well said.
    For me, being Human is all that counts

  3. Well said! In the crowd called humanity, each tries to distinguish himself or finds a need to stand apart. This can either be done by your actions or by design. Since actions are hard to achieve, people work on design. The 'tags' are self-made designs which is easy to acquire than be noticed by actions! I guess this is another aspect of being human!!!!
